Josie, originally from the Midwest, traveled to Reno, NV to participate in the Americorp program and ended up making Northern Nevada her new home. After Americorp she went on to found a non-profit called Urban Roots. Now working as a Montessori teacher, she looks back and shares the story of how she took her university education, Americorp training, and Permaculture training and used it to create something wonderful to share and inspire a love of organic, sustainable farming with children in the community.
James Gatzke shares his background and experience that prepared him for his current conservation, restoration, and native plant nursery work with Walker Basin Conservancy...
Keisha & Casey Ernst have been focusing on soil regeneration and habitat restoration as a team since 2011. They have studied under Dr. Elaine...
In this episode we dive into the topic of the local forest stewardship and some of the work that Norman Cone is doing as...