Bonus Episode: Presentation about Arbuscular Mycorrhizae – Soil Health & Plant Symbiosis Presentation

Episode 30 March 22, 2021 00:46:16
Bonus Episode: Presentation about Arbuscular Mycorrhizae – Soil Health & Plant Symbiosis Presentation
Northern Nevada Green Living Podcast
Bonus Episode: Presentation about Arbuscular Mycorrhizae – Soil Health & Plant Symbiosis Presentation

Mar 22 2021 | 00:46:16


Show Notes

Life as we know it would be much different if it weren’t for the mysterious and miraculous mycelium. Such an impressive entity, so different than most life on earth. This fungus can destroy and give life simultaneously. Mycelium helps soil by breaking down organic matter, keeping moisture in the soil, and helping to prevent erosion.



About Rachel


Rachel Jessee, originally from Reno, NV has recently returned to the region after over a decade of exploring different cultures, climates and lifestyles. She currently practices regenerative agriculture and subsistence farming at Rosewater Ranch, a rural ranch just outside of Reno. Most recently she returned from two years in Morocco where she implemented and managed a 5 hectare permaculture garden within an operating 10 hectare organic olive grove and where she was also curating an on-site artist residency. There she gained priceless experience in growing food in an arid environment which has cultivated her newest passion in soil health. She is currently enrolled in Peter McCoy’s “Mycologos” course – the world’s first extensive course dedicated solely to mycology and is also a student of Harvard’s Extension School program pursuing a degree in environmental studies with a focus in agro-ecology.

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