Help Save the Bees Foundation – is a 501c3 Nevada nonprofit whose mission is to inspire and educate the community about importance of bees, their challenges, and how to participate in supporting them and taking action for their health and survival.
Ray Hopper is the founder and Treasurer. He has been keeping bees off and on since 1982. His passion has inspired him to dedicate his life to help the plight of bees.
Dan Rider is a Director, a beekeeper and an organic gardener. His wife, Valarie Rider is the owner of Heirloom Gardens an organic Permaculture based landscaping company. Both are very experienced in organic gardening and working to support nature and local ecology.
In this episode we learn more about the health of our bees, about “Help Save the Bees Foundation” and how we can all take action to support the health and recovery of bees and other types of native pollinators.
Additional Links recommended in this episode
Beekeeping Clubs: (Reno) (Carson City) (Yerington)
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