Emanuela Heller-MacNeilage is a local farmer, a yoga and homesteading skills instructor, and the Vice President of the Northern Nevada Beekeeper’s Association. She raises goats, bees, and chickens and offers instruction on how to care for beehives, and sustainable gardens, and how to make cheese, yogurt, mead, and soap.
At Tiny Living Farm, overlooking the Truckee river, she offers goat yoga classes, and instruction in the many skills that she teaches. She also cares for beehives for other people in the Reno area. If you would like to contact Emanuela for her services, classes, or products (before the TinyLivingFarm website is live), then please direct message her at her new Instagram page @TinyLivingFarm, or call 512-921-1567.
Instagram: @tinylivingfarm
The Valley Wood Park Waterwise Bird Garden project, in its various phases, was created as a demonstration garden to show visitors alternatives to water...
In this episode, we're thrilled to explore the world of sustainability in Northern Nevada with Donna, the visionary Founder and President of greenUp and...
Lotspeich Farm in Elko, Nevada, 5 generations of farming with weather extremes. They share their challenges, successes and favorite short season seed varieties. A...